As we continue to provide Social Media services to clients, those which are familiar with the term are prompt to embrace our value proposition. A real challenge is articulating the value of Social Media to those vaguely familiar with the numerous options.

As a visionary organization we know full well that one carefully crafted architecture does not translate to all businesses. The  fluidity of our approach is a huge benefit to our clients, at the same time an Achilles heal in the presentation.

We have decided to take a fresh approach to leveraging our knowledge of Social Media, bringing our dept of team in relationships to the table and reformulate the presentation.

What does this all mean?

Quite simply, instead of our clients requiring various levels of education and understanding relative to the power of social media we take a leadership position. If a client is not engaged in a Social Media campaign or doesn’t even have a social media presence, MeritOpus takes the initiative.

Through a formal discovery process we dive into our clients business. We capture critical information relative to the business and structure the Social Media backbone. A document is presented to the client which reflects our ownership of the “backbone” with the ability to transition ownership to the client based upon agreed upon criteria.

We are firm believers that you need to demonstrate value to solicit investment. Presentations of what we may have done for a particular client does not easily transfer to a new client. We remove the financial risk from the client, and trigger investments based upon success.

My constituents in Social Media marketing disagree with this approach in that they feel we may be eroding the market value attributable to Social Media solutions. I do agree, if our target audience is Fortune 1000 clients. However, a much larger client base exists which has a much greater ability to benefit from our business process.

I hesitate to even introduce the word, but it is one which gets people attention. The word is “FREE“. Obviously the amount of work to accomplish a comprehensive Social Media presence take tremendous man hours. Our strategy affords for MeritOpus to absorb the costs and continue to support our clients based upon proven results. When we demonstrate the value identified by our client we ask for financial recognition. If we don’t meet those objectives based upon our own investment, shame on us. When we succeed, we just ask for recognition.